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Afterbath: Ep4 - Shell's Transformative Sound Bath Journey

Shell's 4th Sound Bath: What Lies Beyond Spiritual Bliss?

Episode 4 of the "Afterbath" our sound bath participant Shell steps into uncharted territory with her fourth consecutive sound bath. After a tough week, Shell feels a bit drained, but this time, she's poised to go beyond the familiar bliss. As her journey deepens, what life-altering insights will she uncover on the other side? Keep watching to discover the profound revelations that may just give your own wellness path a whole new meaning.

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What is the science behind Spiritual Bliss?

Spiritual bliss, often described as a state of deep inner peace and joy, can be understood scientifically through the brain’s neurochemistry and connection to meditation practices. Neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin play a key role in producing feelings of happiness and contentment. Practices such as meditation, prayer, or sound baths activate the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. This shifts brain activity toward alpha and theta waves, which are linked to states of calm, creativity, and heightened spiritual experiences. These physiological changes create a feeling of spiritual bliss.

Going Beyond Spiritual Bliss.

Going beyond spiritual bliss, often referred to as "transcendence" or "enlightenment," can be described as a state where the individual dissolves the sense of ego or separateness from the universe. It is a profound shift in consciousness in which one experiences unity with all existence, often described as boundless awareness or oneness. This state can lead to an expanded perception of reality, free from duality or personal identification, where feelings of ultimate peace, love, and interconnectedness prevail. It transcends emotions and personal joy into pure consciousness.

Tune in & tune up again next week!

Join us again next week as Shell continues her wellness exploration with the fourth of her six consecutive sound baths. Dive deeper into her journey, as she reflects on how each session shapes her mental and physical well-being, offering more insights into the world of sound therapy. Don't miss the next installment of this transformative experience!

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